
22 December, 2010

La Dolce Vita!

The sweet life!

Decided to blog after I saw a handful of pics, abandoned, in my Photobucket account.

My baking exploration trailed away when I was fourteen - afraid of the oven, nervous when the timer goes off, confusion in recognizing spoiled and fresh eggs - I baked my very first cake in life.

I remembered the butter cake mix.  But the highlight wasn't the cake but the GREEN icing I was eager to make since I first saw the graphics on my very first magazine.  The thing was spread all over the firm cake and I named it: The Green Monster.

My mom confessed to me weeks later that she lied about the cake.

Anyways, the terror of misusing icing sugar had never went away.  So I ditched the impetus whenever it surfaced again.

Cheesecakes became a big hit back when I was fifteen.  I was proud to introduce gelatin to top off daddy's birthday cake, covering up the unsightly *cough* cracks on it.  I mentally danced around with joy when the plan succeeded!

Dragonfruit was a pretty weird combination with the rich cheesecake but to heck with it! - it looked well-presented.  It was back in the days where my mom photographed frequently while I nagged her to speed up.

Then Victoria sponge cakes swooped me by fascination.  I bought books that had Victoria cake recipes collection and began baking them, eventhough the cake I made tend to be extra stiff.

This was my favourite of all - Blackforest Cake.  A Victoria cake that I baked for my fifteen birthday.  My ex baked an extra cake (portrayed in the following picture) for me back then, but it couldn't have beaten this down: this had real cherries in its filling, fully wedged between two cakes within the cream, NOT JUST displayed on the cake, that's unlike my Blackforest!

The second reason was that I loved plain whipped cream more.

The other all time fave is Mini Chocolate Mousse.  Adapted from a recipe book that I had returned to its rightful owner - but I missed that book full of fantastic recipes.  I don't remember its true name given by the book, Gorgeous Cakes by Annie Bell.

Throughout this journey - whether showered with the bliss of bgr love or not, I came out with all sorts of cakes.  I began photographing them as well.

Brownie Cheese.  Baked and shared because sharing food was our Form 5's etiquette.

Brownies, with chocolate topping plus 100's and 1000's.  The Kinder Bueno chocolate was for decoration.  Another marvelous recipe from Gorgeous Cakes.

Mousse Cake for sister's birthday.  It was baked on Hallowe'en and it was a failure - at least I got an "ice cream" cake for her!

Lemon Meringue Pie.  Lemon curd sour enough for you to cringe at and mellow-ish meringue.  A well-presented pastry nonetheless.

Brownie Muffins.  I still have the frosting used to write these alphabets.  They were baked for a school trip to Tambun!

Marble Cheese.

These were for Chinese New Year, personally loved the Pineapple Tartlets (rightmost) the most.

My very first Pizza, baked together with Ricky.

Crème Brulée and my amateur photographing skills.

Our second pizza, much better now.

They were baked before I started this blog.  Apparently they are my inspiration that tempted me to blog.  (Although it's more to photography than food.  Lulz.) These are also what make me what I am now - in the middle of the Newfoundland.  Pun intended.  Tee hee!

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