
05 October, 2011

My kind of breakfast.

This recipe was adapted from Jan '10 issue of Food & Travel.

It originally calls for carrot, orange rind and juice, but grating is a hard labour and we still have lots of passion fruit stocked up from Bukit Tinggi.

Anyway, the muffins are absolutely heart warming! Get infected with one bite off a freshly baked Passion Fruit Muffin using this recipe. This has got to be my favourite muffin recipe. It's really easy to follow. If you like light milky flavour then you can omit the fruit syrup from this recipe.

If you have a glucose-conscious family member, just make a small portion of the syrup to flavour the muffins.

I used a measuring cup instead of converting the measurements to metric form. Got myself 7 petite muffins using half of the recipe.

125g butter (I used fat spread)
1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1/3 cup milk

Passion fruit syrup
Juice of 3 passion fruits
Caster sugar (measure it in the same container as the juice, have the sugar to make up half the volume of juice would do)
*Juice to sugar ratio is 2:1, e.g. 1 cup juice to 1/2 cup sugar.

1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. For the syrup: Heat the juice and sugar together, stirring constantly until the sugar melts. Turn the heat down and simmer until the liquid begins to thicken just a little, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat, it will thicken when cooled.

3. Beat butter and sugar until well combined. Crack the eggs one by one into the mixture, mixing before adding the next egg.
4. Then, fold in flour and milk alternatively in batches. (I didn't realize why until I did so, the mixture immediately became sticky you have to pour in the milk to smooth it back for the next batch of flour.)

5. Add a few teaspoons of the syrup into the batter. Sieve it if you don't fancy the seeds. Mix well.

6. Divide into cases.  Bake for 25 minutes or until cooked.

The muffins raised rather funnily, right? I didn't switch their places in intervals. And cracks!

Still a little airy, certainly not as firm-packed as the other muffins in older posts.

- Adapted from Food & Travel magazine,
Key Editions Pte Ltd,
Jan 2010 issue

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